2500k overclock...why do I need so much voltage?

15 Jun 2007
Hi guys

Finally got round to overclocking my 2500k. Mobo is ASrock Z68 Extreme3 Gen3 with 16GB RAM.

The board offers one-click overclocking in the BIOS but the 4.6 and 4.8ghz settings don't even boot. 4.4 is ok, but puts 1.42V through the chip...

Started with automatic overclocking, just raising multi. This works until 3.6GHz then 3.7 doesn't boot.

Now...fixed voltage. 1.28V is good for 3.8GHz. But anything past this, upto a stable 4.6GHz needs 1.36V! Drop speed to 4.2, or 4.0...it won't be stable or boot without 1.36V which from what I've read is stupidly high for say 4.2Ghz.

Really scratching my head here why it suddenly needs so much more voltage for 3.9 but then will happily clock to 4.6 on the same voltage.

VID for overclocks..(all actually 1.344-1.36 vcore)

3.8GHz - 1.371 - 1.396
3.9GHz - 1.396 - 1.42
4.0GHz - 1.421 - 1.446
4.1GHz - 1.441 - 1.466
4.2Ghz - 1.466 - 1.491
4.3GHz - 1.491 - 1.501
4.4GHz to 4.6GHz - 1.5012, doesn't fluctuate

Other settings are..

PCH - 1.059 (auto)
PLL - 1.832 (auto)
VTT - 1.047 (auto)
VCCSA - 0/925 (auto)
PLL Overvoltage - on, or off, makes no difference
Turbo boost limit - 230, higher makes no difference

All power saving modes on, no execute bit etc.

Any ideas? Much appreciated!
I'm using fixed voltage not offset, to find what volts are actually needed for a clockspeed before switching to offset mode to keep the benefits of low idle voltage...this shouldn't make a difference to vcore required for stability should it?
try putting it on 4.5ghz and leaving the volts on on auto and see what cpuz says during prime?

Won't boot above 3.6GHz on Auto mate, :/

kmax, I'm not so bothered it needs so much for 4.5, but does yours not need less for 4.2 or 4? It just doesn't scale with any sense!
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