2500K (Sandy) over clock results

25 Nov 2002
My i5 2500k (Sandy) kit arrived this morning :)

I have now built the rig and started to over clock.
Here are some pics and initial results will follow



Here are my first results

Vcore set to 1.3v in Bios and a simple CPU Multi set to 46
No other changes have been made.

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Nice overclock whats in the sector 5 box ?

I could not decide between High Frequency / Poor CAS or Lower frequency Better CAS so I brought 2 sets of RAM and will sell one when i'm done testing.

So I have 2x2GB Patriot 2400 CAS 9 and 2x2GB OCZ 1600 CAS 6
So far I have just used the Patriot at 2133 CAS 9

4.6 at 52c looks nice! interesting that another guy using air is at 5ghz and about 7c cooler... let me find the thread.

I'm a bet sceptical about this thread. There are no screen shots or confirmation of chip/mobo

I don't think 5GHz is going to very easy to achieve at all. So far I have managed to do superPi 1M at 4.7 but at 4.8 I get an instant blue screen.

There seem to be far more overclocking options than I thought there would be. The Asus board has a great DIMM control and Voltage adjustments. This is where the real fun begins imo finding a way to get the magic 5GHz. For now i'm happy that 4.6GHz almost out of the box was a nice easy overclock - comparable to getting 4.0GHz from an i7 920 in terms of difficulty.
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I have to admit to beeing a bit disapointed with my 2500K
What ever I try I can't get more than a few points above 4.7GHz and that requires 1.35v Vcore and no other tweaks. I was really looking for more.

On the subject of RAM.
I cant really tell the difference between 1600 as CAS 6 or 2133 at Cas 9
The latest Bios for my motherboard has a 2400 Ram speed option, but I can't get it to boot with that at the moment.
I'm still not getting very far. I feel i'm getting closer to 4.8 but it's very hard work. 1Day, I know you are using a different Motherboard (Gigabyte UD7) and I'm starting to wonder how limited I am by the chipset / mofsets.

I wonder if I can compare any of your bios settings to the Asus and see if i can find some common ground. I'm also toying with resetting the Mofset heatsinks on the board.
Yes sure no problem

All you need to tell me is what your voltages are.
And what your main settings are, most are just default or auto.

Leave your board alone for now. :D It is fine I am sure.

I have just stripped everything down and dropped to bios 1003 from 1053 as 1053 is Beta.

My voltages are:
Vcore: 1.35v
VCCSA: 0.925v
VCCIO: 1.056v
CPU PLL: 1.796v
PCH: 1.031v

I have the following set
Spread Spectrum: Auto
Loadline Calibration: Expert

These are really all the Asus P8P67 Pro has. How do they compare to the Gigabyte?
I have tried the 1053 (Latest Beta Bios) and enabled the Pll Override, but it did not help. I just flashing back to it now and will try again.
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