2600k low ppd

27 Mar 2010
Just got myself a 2600k, along with my 560 i'd like to get some folding done.

I've setup the gpu to fold and i'm getting 18k ppd at 1Ghz core clock.

However i setup the 2600k using the smp client and set the smp to 7, which i think is the right thing to do so it leaves one thread for the gpu? i set advmethods to no and i think everything else is standard.

Now here's the issue, i hear all you guys going on about 40-50k ppd on 2600k's and i'm only getting 2.5k according to fahmon, just wondering if you guys have any idea why. I've probably messed up somewhere along the line.

Hope that is all the info you need, if not them just shout.
GPU seems fine to me

CPU - What overclock do you have on your machine? do you have speed stepping switched off? Are you running Windows or Linux

Did you have the -bigadv argument set when you configured your client

4.8Ghz, no (it runs at 4.8 when folding) and windows 7.

Didn't know there was such a thing.
The big numbers you have seen are dedicated -bigadv rigs with big overclocks(4.5ghz+)and running linux or a linux vm.

What version of the client are you running v6 or v7 if its v6 then change to smp 6 or smp 8 i have found several wu's that will crash on smp 7(v7 client does this on its own).

Are you using a passkey , if not you will not be getting any bonus points go here if you dont have one:)

If you want to run -bigadv(24/7 crunching) you will see more points but the wu's take a lot longer, also i think smp 7 is ok with -bigadv just not with some of the standard smp's(anyone?)

v6, didn't know there was a v7. I am using a passkey.

Does it have to be 24/7 folding? I want to fold about 16 hours a day, is bigadv the way to get the most ppd?

windows 7 32 or 64 bit?

if 64 the you can setup Linux in a VM see Biffa's guide

64 bit, i might give that a go if all else fails.

Thanks both of you.

Suppose i could drop the gpu folding and go smp8 which would mean i would get those units out before the deadlines? I'd be getting more ppd anyway wouldn't i?

did i read somewhere you have to do like 50 bigadv work units before getting any bonuses? So i'd have to fold for a good few months before getting any bonus points?
I went for the smp 8 and no gpu folding, which was going well until i finished my first bigadv but i can't sent it back to stamford.

Keep getting this, any ideas?


[04:03:16] + Attempting to send results [June 11 04:03:16 UTC]
[04:16:00] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[04:16:00] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[04:16:00] (
[04:16:00] + Retrying using alternative port
[05:27:07] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[05:27:07] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[05:27:07] (
[05:27:07] - Error: Could not transmit unit 02 (completed June 11) to work server.
[05:27:07] Keeping unit 02 in queue.
[05:27:07] Project: 6900 (Run 43, Clone 19, Gen 2)


It has now started the next WU and every now and then tries to send it again without any luck. Does this mean when/if it eventually sends i will get less points as it is past/closer to the deadline?

Thanks again.
Apologies for the thread hijack, but on the 2500k/2600K CPU's do you guys disable Speedstep? I thought that crunching would prevent the CPU throttling back, but mine does even when Seti is running. I assume this will affect the output or have I got something configured incorrectly?

Surely if you are running any kind of distrib computing the cpu will be under load therefor be at max speed?

I run with ST on as i don't fold 24/7, still getting 38k ppd with the 2600k :D
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