32" 1440p basically exactly the same PPI as so called ideal 24" 1080p (back in the day) and most 32" panels are actually 31.5" so a little bit less "blocky" as some will claim 32" 1440p is.
I had 27" 1440p back in 2013 and it was too small for many things so used scaling, I imagine 32" 4k would be similar, for me for gaming 1440p+high HZ to try get CRT/Plasma motion on poor LCD tech.
Again some will disagree but for me curves start to benefit at 27" and really benefit at 32", I had a 27" curve and then the 32" G7 and now a flat 32" and it was a strange feeling in my eyes to move them to see edges for weeks and I am still aware of it now.