28 Weeks Later - May 11th Worldwide

23 Oct 2004
East Riding of Yorkshire

Gotta say I don't know how the hell this one kept under the radar so well! Completely surprised of its existence and even lookin at the webby n trailers for this bad boy - I gotta say it looks pretty damned good!


UK trailer:

US Trailer:

Anyone else for a slice of zombie heaven? (ok ok so they aint technically zombies but you all know what i mean!)
I reckon it may be hard to try and NOT compare it to land of the dead but we shall just have to wait and see wont we...
Heh heh, I remember the 1st film coming out in the cinema and took my mum - within the 1st 5 mins of the film she closed her eyes and put her fingers in her ears for the remainder of the film - i didn't even realise she had done it till i looked over when the credits rolled down. I aint gonna take her to this one - be another waste of money methinks! :D
jus come back from the cinema with the missus and i gotta say.......

it was ohhhh kay. Not brilliant but deffo not as good as i was hoping. the ladyfriend says she liked it tho. The weird thing for me was I used to live stones throw from where the majority of that film is set (canary wharf/poplar/isle of dogs) and it was soooooo weird recognising places and streets that I was just at a few months ago till I moved oop norf. Alas the missus didn't find it that impressive to have me nudgin her every couple of minutes pointing my flat out to her lol!

Anyways.... its a fair film but doesnt live upto the original.

Nuff said :)
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