29.99 TombRaider Xbox360 at HMV

8 Jan 2003
Just thought I'd let you all know that HMV.co.uk have got this on at 34.99 at the moment, but that if you use the code WE9335 you can get a fiver off.

Have just ordered it! Bit late for the long weekend, but Kameo and Oblivion are keeping me more than busy at the moment :D
Not bad at all, but I still wouldnt pay more than £20 for it.

Might rent it actually Ive heard it can be completed in under 8 hours.
Nice one, I was considering either this or BF2 but at £30 Its worth a punt and if I don't like it I can sell it on for what I paid :)
bilston said:
Might rent it actually Ive heard it can be completed in under 8 hours.

Depends how much you play it. 8 hours is about right for just going straight through the game, but I think my final gametime after getting 100% (secrets, time trials etc.) was close to 17 hours.
Thats definitely my imperssion of it, you can blast through each level quite easily but going back to complete the secrets and time trials can easily double your time, I know I'm still working my way back through them. Great game but I think it will have limited replay value once you unlock/find everything.
Nismo said:
Depends how much you play it. 8 hours is about right for just going straight through the game, but I think my final gametime after getting 100% (secrets, time trials etc.) was close to 17 hours.

Yep exactly the same for me. Took me 17 hours for a 100% complete. The whole point of tomb raider is to find artifacts, to say you have completed it in 8 hours with a 50% save is totally defeating the nature of the game.

Its like an Indiana jones film where he doesn't actually find what he's looking for ;)
Pezza said:
Just thought I'd let you all know that HMV.co.uk have got this on at 34.99 at the moment, but that if you use the code WE9335 you can get a fiver off.

Have just ordered it! Bit late for the long weekend, but Kameo and Oblivion are keeping me more than busy at the moment :D

Thanks for the heads-up Pezza, will be placing an order today! :D
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