290X pci-e cable power supply question

30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
Trying to make a hybrid 290X/670 system in order to run Physx/Gameworks via the 670 and mantle/TA through the 290X, but Nvidia disable PhysX through the 670 if an AMD card is present.

Don't want to remove/install the 290X from the mb each time I want to play a title through the 290X, thought about disconnecting my pci-e extension cables.

Is it possible to leave the 290X fitted in the pci-e lane without power(pci-e cables disconnected) or will it damage the gpu?
pitty you couldn't solder in an inline switch into the pcie power cable

cant see it damaging anything,idk if the mb would detect it being on or off though?
Yeah, might not work regardless in relation to the mb still detecting it, just looking for the easiest solution to the problem.
This is not a good idea, do not solder an inline switch to the pci-e power cable as the graphic card will then be powered only from the PCI-e port.
Not going to solder anything bud.

I don't think the card comes on as such without the pci-e cables, iirc a red warning led activates without the pci-e power cables attached(forgot to plug power in once:o).
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