295x2 Mini ITX build

14 May 2014
Hi folks,

I haven't built a PC in about 11 years and I thought I'd give something extra special a try. I could really do with some input from you guys because I haven't kept much track of things on what's possible and what isn't.

I'll list some ideas down here and hopefully you guys can advise on if it will fit and works well.

Case: Cooler Master HAF Stacker 915F http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=CA-361-CM
Graphics: 295x2 OC http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=GX-352-SP
CPU: Undecided but maybe this: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=CP-532-IN&groupid=701&catid=6
Motherboard: Undecided
Memory: Something along the lines of 16GB of 2400? http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MY-384-CS&groupid=701&catid=8&subcat=1387
Hard Drives: 2 * 240GB SSD with decent performance: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HD-030-IN&groupid=701&catid=2104
PSU: Might be overkill? http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=CA-298-SV

Any thoughts/input behind this build will be appreciated. I'm presuming it will all fit in the case? I've seen a 295x2 fit inside this case before but I'm not sure if all of the other components will? (main concern PSU)

Also I'm not sure if the CPU will need a cooler on it? (and again, if it will fit).

Thanks for the reply.

I thought about the H100 but I'm really unsure if it will fit in the case. I'm a bit scared of purchasing all of these components and then it doesn't fit.

I don't think the temps on the GPU is much to worry about, it has an external cooler doesn't it and the standards temps on the 295x2 are quite low aren't they? I've seen it done before but no idea on how well it performs as it was more likely a marketing stunt.

I thought the K processors are only worthwhile if you plan on overclocking? I don't want to push the whole 'temps' thing too high/far, being such a small case.
I have kept track of graphics cards lately (about the only thing I have) and after seeing the impressive figures and low temps of the 295x2, it seemed like a perfect solution. I would want to build a machine that will last a while and can run any current and future games at any details I wish.

I used to be a nvidia fan boy but AMD seemed to have outdone themselves with the 295x2 (plus it fits in the case!)
Thanks guys. I can wait a month or so, it gives me more time to plan it out better I guess. I'll plan the new motherboard when the cpu is released. Does anyone know if a CPU + H100 cooler fits in this case?
Would the h100/105 even fit in this case with that radiator and everything else in there?

The Hyper 212 is getting good reviews (which is mentioned on the product page of the case), is the 100/105 that much better and worth the risk of space? :)
Thanks Jim.

No idea on the dimensions of the hyper 212, it was just on the product page but I don't think it has a radiator (maybe I'm wrong). Once the new processors come out, I think the best thing I can do is order the parts almost one by one and measure the free space once the component(s) is/are fitted to ensure I don't end up in a right situation.
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