2DOF / Motion Simulator Cockpit

9 Mar 2010
Am I just looking in the wrong place or do we not have much chat about full motion simpits?

Looking to build a 2 degrees of freedom (pitch and roll) simpit next year.

What peaked my interest specifically is the compact nature and simplicity of this design.

Full thread: https://www.xsimulator.net/communit...hair-driven-motion-sim-with-oculus-rift.9215/)

Planning on doing something similar (if not identical) for racing and flying.

Anyone here had a bash at building one?
That does look 'simple' however the mechanical aspects (welding etc) are way above any skills I have :( Look forward to following your build though :)
The frame making looks like the easy part i would be more worried about the hydraulics and motors as well as sorting out the arduino setup/wiring to convert the data to movement.

Could make the frame without welding if using certain 90 degree fixtures or even unistrut channels.
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