2GB Corsair 3200C2PT vs G.Skill vs xxx

16 Jan 2006
Warrington, Cheshire

Newbie, but a lot of reading later and I'm not sure what to do.
I have 2GB Crucial Ballistix tracer in my games PC, as yet to be overclocked (Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe, X2 3800) and running fine at stock. The Ballistix replaces 1GB Corsair XMS3200LL and *so far* very happy with it.

I would like another 2GB dual channel kit for my server-cum-whatever. This is currently running an Asus A8N-VM CSM motherboard, X2 3800). Motherboard overclocking potential is limited so might replace it at some point.

RAM will be running at stock initially so tight timings would be preferred, and I've experienced a difference between Value and Performance RAM, to make me purchase Performance RAM.

I thought I'd narrowed my search down to:-

Corsair 2GB XMS3200 C2PT
G.Skill 2GB 3200 PHU2-2GBZX

1. Which is the better overclocker? Can't seem to find anything on the Corsair stuff.

2. Which would be the better choice? I'd never heard of G.Skill until a few weeks ago - getting mixed reports.

Budget of £170 inc VAT for RAM.

Or would G.Skill 2GB PC4000 USU2-2GBHZ be worthwhile? I'm concerned that a lot of reviewers couldn't get this down to CAS2, and as this will be at stock for a while, it puts me off. The Ballistix went straight to CAS2 no worries, but that costs more.

Your feedback welcome. I'll be purchasing sometime next week.

Goot :)
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Just the info I was after. It's hard to get out of the Corsair safety net, as I've always trusted it and never had a problem. But, I'm hearing a lot of fave reviews for G.Skill.

I'm swaying towards the G.Skill but still not sure - PC3200 though
Decisions.. decisions

Many thanks so far, hope to get a few more ppl with their views before I bite the bullet. Keep it coming :)

I have never impulse bought, so I need to make sure it's right for me.

Goot :)
The time has almost come, ordering at the weekend so I've decided to go for the G.Skill ZX kit if in stock. If not, Corsair C2PT.

You lot have sold it to me - cheers! :)

Goot :)
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