2gigs but what config ?

26 Jan 2003
I am thinking about moving over to skt 939 for a bit as my 754 setup is getting on a bit now and i was wondering if its worth just adding another 512 of 3200 to make 2 gigs or actually buying 2 x 1gig for the new setup ?

It's 3 x 512 of geil value 3200 that i have atm

Any ideas appreciated :)
2x1Gig will give you the best performance on S939, but 4x512mb isn't the end of the world and if its cheap you'd get by fine.

The performance hit is due to be stuck with a 2T command rate with 4 modules installed, whereas with 2 modules you can run at 1T. At worst this is a 3% ish performance hit.
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