Well heres my second attempt, like the title says im still not happy, i just dont think theres enough traffic to do this, im almost bang on with my settings now.
Took so many images and only found these relatively useful;
more dust spots
they are underexposed,what time are you shooting? it may be better to get out later and expose for longer or maybe use a ND filter so you can shoot a little earlier and get more traffic,spring and autumn are better for these shots as at dusk,around 18.30, there is still a lot more traffic around.
Doesn't look like it was dark enough for the light trails to really overpower the ambient.
Also plain of motorway doesn't make for an interesting subject imo, perhaps have some buildings to add interest.
The sky and the landscape with the road meandering away into the distance is what made your last set interesting. Your new set has light trails, but the subject of a boring stretch of motorway is just that.
Go back and just observe the light from dusk until night fall. you'll soon get into the swing of knowing when the right time is to shoot. Also by walking around you'll find the best place to make use of the light and get decent comp (see below),
Composition, there are rules for composition but it doesn't matter if you don't follow them as long as the composition is sound. I say sound and not 'right' because there is no right or wrong but there is sound, if that makes sense.
Yeah im kind of looking forward to the winter, ive always wanted to photograph the snow so thats one thing to look forward to, and the second is the dark evenings for more of these kind of shots, plus i want to start getting creative with it..
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