2nd hand Netapp?

27 Sep 2009
Found some relatively cheap 2nd hand Netapp SAS 6gb disk shelves. Very tempted to use one in my home lab. Watching Morten's vids, it looks like I will need to format the drives to 512 blocks, create a RAID array in my PERC and see them in Windows. Anyone else got much experience of using these 2nd hand?
Do you need a full NetApp shelf? If you want to learn more about NetApp I would just build a Lab Cluster in VMWare. I've not used them 2nd hand but I have supported an older series of three NetApp SANs replicated for a VDI environment, pretty stable and pretty solid even though we ran into performance issues on Disk I/O from cheaping out on disks. You've got to take into account the amount of power these things will consume too.
If you can find NetApp SAS shelves cheap then you can most likely find Dell MD-series stuff as well, or whatever the HP equivalent is.
Do you need a full NetApp shelf? If you want to learn more about NetApp I would just build a Lab Cluster in VMWare. I've not used them 2nd hand but I have supported an older series of three NetApp SANs replicated for a VDI environment, pretty stable and pretty solid even though we ran into performance issues on Disk I/O from cheaping out on disks. You've got to take into account the amount of power these things will consume too.

It was cheaper then buying a smaller Synology lol. I dont care about noise as it's in a server room but I guess power will cost a lot.
A tray of disks with some SAS ports on the back isn't the same thing as a NAS though, that's why there's a price difference.

You can buy eSATA enclosures if that's all you're after.
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