2nd Hand Nvidiot Build

3 Jun 2007
Hi All.

Decided to put a loop in my LAN PC and thought it be a good idea to document as its gonna be a squeeze..

This PC is the one I take to the LAN i attend twice a year so has to be compact and easily move able.

Spec is as follows:

Corsair air 240
Intel I5 3570K with EK cpu block
16gb Memory
Dual 240mm Slim Rad
EK small pump / res combo
Gefore 980Ti with EK full block and back plate
MSI micro ATX mobo (h61m p31 G3)
Hard tubed (had some left over from my large build)

A few pics of where I am now..

Pump and Res had to be custom mounted as there is no stand for this one


Stripped my 980Ti which used to be a Inno3d with and AIO cooler solution..


Gunky yuk..


Nice and clean


Next job will be mounting the to rads, fitting the gpu block and cpu block..

Not yet decided the color scheme of the liquid

More updates hopefully middle next week
Ok so GPU block and backplate received along with the CPU block.

Fittings ordered last night and have decided to go UV Nvidia green type color with Thermaltake RGB fans.

Just awaiting my two rads to turn up and we are good to go.
Subbed. I like 2nd hand builds.....Mines been totally refurbed using 2nd hand parts.

I always feel that you have to be a bit brave to do a full water cooling loop, I bottled it and went AIO.
Actually ran into my first problem last night.

was planning on one 240 Rad to be installed in the bottom with two fans on it... seems to mobo extends down to far and some of the pins are stopping the ratiator / fans linieing up with the screw holes..

Had to come up with an idea to rad is now mounted inside the case bottom and fans on the outside and am going to add feet to the bottom of the case for clearance.

All my water cooling stuff turned up today and hopefully bigger update tonight.
Couple of updates... got a lot through today so made a bit more progress.

So as said last post fans have been mounted on the underside of the case with feet to highten it off the desk


GPU block installed


Mock up with both rads and gpu in. its gonna be tight with the tubing but have decided on UV green fluid so should look quite nvidia ish

She is up and leak testing.. decided to go soft tubing.. gave hard tube a go and some of the bends where so tight i decided against it.. using UV green liquid and uv tubing.. hopefully should pop once the fan lights are on.

Only thing i need to work out is do i leave the pump on a molex to power it or somehow find a way to PWM??? currently the only PWM header is being used by my three thermal-take RGB fans and controller

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