2nd Track Day At Oulton 26th July... Enjoyed It!

22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Hi There,
Well did my 2nd day, was happy... know track now... but Saturday task was to get "knee down"... dont' ask me why just something I wanna do, so I was willing to take the hit in speed to get my positioning correct. So, spent all the afternoon, moving more and more on the bike... until it became more "natural"...

Hi There,
Well did my 2nd day, was happy... know track now... but Saturday task was to get "knee down"... dont' ask me why just something I wanna do, so I was willing to take the hit in speed to get my positioning correct. So, spent all the afternoon, moving more and more on the bike... until it became more "natural"...

Got to a point that the lean angle is right over, scrapping toe sliders more and more, tire narling up on the edges... but didn't get knee down I'm afraid... and I think it's one failing... too close to the tank... and I'm pivoting around the tank too much... so next track day on the 12th August, will amend this. However as a side effect I did find that I'd increased my speed around corners signifcantly using weight of myself, so there was a result in this...

Anyone have any other tips they used?

Oh yeah... went to suspension guy and asked him what he could do about the suspension setup lol... this will make you all laugh... basically looks like the fork suspension oil hasn't been changed in 15 years... as it wouldn't adjust at all lol... and I've not changed it... then he tried to tweak the back and the gas damper didn't have any gas in it... and the rear is basically working off spring alone lmfao... hahaha... I've got used to it, but he sat on the bike and said, how the heck are you riding it like this? LOL.... so bikes booked in Wednesday front forks stripped, setup and rear and asking him to set up for 15 stone fatboy... then on the 12th August can tweak myself after each session if not working. At the moment, I can't tweak a thing.

Will post a few pictures later... not very good ones actually but hey, always nice to have :-0

EDIT: Pictures. I'm getting decent lean here, these were all from the morning sessions, problem is, there's none of the afternoon sessions that show anything but I swear I was hanging off a little, half an arse cheek kinda thing.... think I'm nearly there and judging by how much lean, not a lot would've took to get knee down there :-(





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Just found this with a quick google, ignore the text :p


But thats pretty much the position you want, sure he should get his right shoulder over more but from observing 90% of riders on track (and myself) that is the typical body position of non pro riders :D

Your left knee wants to almost be horizontal across the tank, and your right knee wants to be out but pointing forward, far too many people think shoving their out as wide as possible is correct, its not you actually shove your knee too high doing it that way.

Most sportsbikes footpegs are pretty high so if you are getting your foot pegs down then you are certainly low enough, way lower than needed for knee down.
*edit saw you said toe slider not foot peg, hopefully ball of your foot is on the edge of your foot peg?
Wrote this a couple of days ago for another forum, maybe of use.


Its all in ya bum. Sounds rough but try to get your bum crack lined up on the edge of the seat so youve one cheek floating in the air.


Thats a photo of a chicane so not the most lean angle but only rear shot ive got to try and help me point. Youll see my body in that pic isnt a million miles off what youre doing but my bum cheeks off the seat. In doing that you drop your leg and knee will touch down.

Once you get used to it then your knee is only there as a guide to lean angle etc. (For me anyway)


Also notice the hold on the handlebar for the side youre leaning, you start to hold it more like a tennis racket than at a 90deg grab.

I am in the same boat, i have the lean but my body position is poor or the body position is good and i dont have the lean and maybe speed and by then the corner is gone. I have tried the roundabout thing a couple if times but cant seem to get it there either.

Its just one of those things.

Had many plans for more trackdays but my off and collarbone put paid to that, so only done cadwell so far this year.
with getting your knee down you really need to commit, get your arse off the seat as said above, also make sure the ball of your toes are on the foot peg to allow you to pivot it.

il provide a link of me doing in on my cbr 600 a few years ago.
also some times different bikes feel different, cbr was nice, rsv 1 and rsv2 was nice, as was my r1 but my r6 2002 and 2004 different shapes both horrid.

Might be worth a look (if you haven't already) at A Twist of The Wrist II by Keith Code. There is a book and a film that goes with it. It's known as the cornering bible!

There is also a TV series I am sure you can find online - Superbike School UK which follows a couple of people through some California Superbike School lessons, progressing up the levels. Some good tips in there you can pick up on.

Disclaimer: I've never been on a track day and you sound far more experienced than me, but I think these things could help in getting the theory down and positioning etc.
Cheers guys, sorry for late reply, work been hectic. Anyhow, just added three pictures, not that good I'm afraid and all from the morning session which is annoying... as in the afternoon I was shifting around the the bike and I always take ages to get eye in.

However, anyhow, cheers for advice, I don't think I'm far off. Afternoon, was basically pushing so I had half my backside off the bike, knee out more and holding on with inner thigh... and must've been very very close and was getting used to doing it, just think it's a matter of time... I'll get there and next session is 12st August! IT WILL HAPPEN!!! At least the Pirelli Angel GT's are getting a work out :-) And Chicken Strips now GONE!!! Yeahhhhh


Might take a look at that book... always willing to take advice from experienced riders!
did they sort out your suspension?

I hope my rear shock hasn't lost its gas:eek:

I cant tell tho

They're picking bike up tonight, stripping front forks down, refresh etc and the rear damper and spring etc... need it sorting tbh... they reckon it'll be like a new bike, I'd be inclined to agree as zero gas in damper, old spring, front forks never changed of oil etc lol :-) May as well just get seals done now, it's a 15 year old bike on 22k miles now, mint but mileage and age is mileage and age so...
the seals will be ok if they aint leaking,mine are still on original seals so you could save a bit there if you wanted to

and yh you can tell with new fork oil in
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