There are a few threads kicking around mentioning 2T losing a lot of performance over 1T. Most of the advice given out is telling people to change from e.g. 4 x 512mb sticks to 2 x 1 GB sticks so that they can run at 1T instead of 2T.
I have 2 x 1 GB Mushkin sticks in my machine and according to the post screen they have been running at 2T Dual channel since day one. do i have something set up wrong? Am i really losing the amount of performance that people say you do?
A confused and in need of explanations,
I have 2 x 1 GB Mushkin sticks in my machine and according to the post screen they have been running at 2T Dual channel since day one. do i have something set up wrong? Am i really losing the amount of performance that people say you do?
A confused and in need of explanations,