First off hello all. Apologies if this sort of question is basic but I'm new to this and have got to start somewhere.
Until November 05 I had no idea about computers at all but built my baby (spec below). Now at the min I am running my x800gto2 at 540 core 589.50 mem and It handles F.E.A.R ok. Now the weakest link is obviously the RAM which I am currently sorting. My Question is ...Do you think the performance increase of buying 2 7800gt's and running them in SLI would be worthwile or would it be better spending the money on a single 7800gtx or X1800 XT? Thanks in advance.
Until November 05 I had no idea about computers at all but built my baby (spec below). Now at the min I am running my x800gto2 at 540 core 589.50 mem and It handles F.E.A.R ok. Now the weakest link is obviously the RAM which I am currently sorting. My Question is ...Do you think the performance increase of buying 2 7800gt's and running them in SLI would be worthwile or would it be better spending the money on a single 7800gtx or X1800 XT? Thanks in advance.