2x2407's or 1x3007WFP?

29 Dec 2004
I need some help deciding, i mainly use my machine for gaming/browsing/music/image editing/ftp'ing etc and need more room, i currently have a 2407 (A02) and its an awesome monitor...but just hasn't got the space i need.

So, what would you do? Get 1 3007WFP or go for two 2407's next to each other? The latter would obviously be easier for me as it only needs me to buy an additional monitor...rather than buy a 3007 and then have to sell my 2407.

Thanks for any help :D
With a 24" screen you're going to be able to run games at the monitor's naitve res for a lot longer than what you'd be able to on a 30" screen.

The 24" is big enough already without going to a 30", no doubt the first time you run a game at full res on the 24" it'll take your breath away anyway :)

I have a dual monitor setup too and find it's extremely handy if you're a more than average user, and invaluable if you do any kind of creative work/multitasking.
I think you can, but I'm really not sure if a 1900XT would be that powerful trying to power that resolution, besides BF2/2142 doesn't actually display in widescreen - it just stretches the image, so it would look very silly, besides playing FPS across 2 monitors really doesn't work very well in my opinion.
Wasn't thinking about stretching it properly, just literally stretching it...would look a little poo but was just interested as to whether it was do-able!

Haven't had a dual screen setup in a while so can't remember how it handles two displays, when i load up a game will the second display still act as a slave that i can display other apps in or will it just go into standby?

You can get the apps of the other display, obviously you can't use your mouse though as the game will take the "focus".

I tend to leave outlook, open on my second display and have a "TV" window open.



also dual looks great :)

I'd personally go with 2 x 2407's :D Great monitors and like others have said you then have the benefit of a dual monitor setup
kkthxbye said:
HEADRAT, how do you go about having a TV window? sexy setup btw :)

I have Vista Ultimate and use the Media Center window and just drag it to the secondary monitor but I'm sure you could do the same with many other "TV" apps.


I must say what a awesome setup. Sorry to change thread but what keyboard that dude.

Oh and id most certainly go dual tft setup.
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