2xRCA (or other input) mixing

15 May 2012
Hi all,

I am looking for some speakers that can do a particular thing. I have 2x PCs at my desk and I am fed up of switching the 3.5mm jack between them for different applications (games and personal video calls on one, work video calls on the other). What I would really like is a set of compact desktop speakers (2.0 preferably) which can take 2x sources and mix them together so that BOTH would play out. This means that, without switching inputs, I can start some audio on either PCs and it would play.

I think that the Edifier range (S880DB, R1780T) look very good for this because I could use the 2x RCA inputs - 1 to each PC via RCA-3.5mm cable - and then leave the speaker to play this input only (i.w. the mixed 2x RCA input).

Can anyone tell me if this is how multiple RCA inputs are handled, especially on the Edifier speakers? Am I missing something? Does anyone have a better suggestion for a good speaker than can meet my needs? Cost is not a factor.

7 Jul 2007
You could get something like this and just leave all inputs on max: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Btuty-Ster...ords=Stereo+Sound+Mixer&qid=1647973983&sr=8-5. This would work on any speakers, and it's passive so no need to power it. You can't just use RCA splitters unfortunately, I think this can damage the output devices.

How it's handled depends on the speakers, the volume switch on the S880DB doubles up as an input switcher, so you'd need to select whichever input you want. The manual for the R1780T says both inputs will play at the same time, it tells you to lower the volume on whichever one you don't want to listen to, there's no switch, so I think that's what you want.
25 Jul 2012
Ankh Morpork
I just set some music playing through my Edifier R1600T II and then switched to my TV and both sources played simultaneously, which I think is what you are looking for
15 May 2012
You are all wonderful people. Thank you!

Reading the manuals was enlightening. The overall conclusion was that I needed something with from Edifier with a "T" ending. As soon as they add Bluetooth, they have independent input selectors which also separates the 2x RCA inputs.

@rids57 thank you for the real-life test!
@lord filbuster, @SonicSW20 thank you for the idea and link to the manuals
@lord filbuster thanks for the idea. I looked into the Rolls passive mixer but the attenuation seemed very high, and franskly I don't want another box on the desk.

So, in conclusion, I am going to get some Edifier R1280T.

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