3.2 million players makes Dying Light Techland's most popular game ever

28 Feb 2008
I wasn't really expecting Dying Light to really be as popular as it has been, but I guess you've got to give some credit to Techland. I didn't enjoy it when it first released, has it got any better since then?


Given the game's positive critical and commercial reception, it won't come as a huge surprise to hear that Dying Light, Techland's open world zombie basher, is now the studio's most popular title ever.

In a press release sent out today, the Polish team revealed that the game's player count has reached over 3,200,000 in the 45 days since launch. That makes for a lot of dead zombies.
I'll be honest, it looked good from the very start. I wasn't sold on it mind, but once getting it, I'm hooked and love it!!
Ive been a fan of the developer for a while, Dead Island i loved despite its shortcomings so Dying Light for me was great. Still havent finished it tho i find it too easy to get distracted with the side quests. Also enjoyed the call of juarez games they made
I wasn't really expecting Dying Light to really be as popular as it has been, but I guess you've got to give some credit to Techland. I didn't enjoy it when it first released, has it got any better since then?


Performance improved with successive patches, and they added new weapons and a hard mode.

I really enjoyed it from the start, and I think a big part of that is because I hadn't really played Dead Island or Riptide before, so for me it was all new.

A bit like Far Cry 3/4 crossed with Mirrors Edge and featuring zombies.
Deserves it imo. It's like the only game I have ever bothered doing side quests for
I'm surprised, after their previous games I thought people would be tired of the same old.
Is it that much better?
Well it's a work day and for Americans it's either early or mid morning.

Yeah I guess. There are 11k reviews, so it's probably not sold too bad, then there is Origin as well.

I'd love to see some proper figures to see how pc games compare with console sales.
I think it is brilliant.

Not sure what people are talking about it being the 'same old' it's not really like their other games. Sure it is zombies but the gameplay is pretty different.
First game I've completed in a long time so that's a good sign.

Plus who doesn't like needlessly dropkicking zombies in the face?
I completed it. It is pretty good. Not great, but pretty good. It gets very boring early on, as the combat is quite poor. There are mechanics I don't like such as the weapon degradation and just the animations that play when you are attacked(REALLY hate them). The general gameplay is pretty solid though.

It looks amazing.
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