3.5" bay fillers

The TR3 is a nice visual addition, but it's not very functional. I have one and love it for the looks.

A card reader is always a good idea, and if you don't go for a TR3 how about a fan controller?
What about a USB/firewire hub, or front mounted audio ports.
There is also a manafcturer that makes 2.5" hdd removable bays.
Cody said:
I am thinking of getting a Lian Li Pc61 to match the kit on my Mach but I dont like the 3 empty 3.5" bays any suggestions of what to fill them with besides the obvious floppy and card reader. I quite fancy the Thermometer :


Any other cool accessories you can suggest?

There are some good LCD display Screens that will fit in 2.5 bays. Plus you can always have extra USB ports
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