3 Network

12 Jun 2005
Im currently on o2, however 3 have a great deal on, 300 minutes and 2000 texts for £30pm, which i currently pay on o2, for 200 minutes and 500 texts. Is the 3 network any good?

Also the phone i want for free is the Motorola A1000, is this a good phone.

Finally i take it i can get my PAC code from o2 before canceling the contract and 3 can get my number.
_-J-_ said:
Im currently on o2, however 3 have a great deal on, 300 minutes and 2000 texts for £30pm, which i currently pay on o2, for 200 minutes and 500 texts. Is the 3 network any good?

Also the phone i want for free is the Motorola A1000, is this a good phone.

Finally i take it i can get my PAC code from o2 before canceling the contract and 3 can get my number.

Yes - they're fine. *damn sight better than other networks I won't mention*

Yes - It's a great phone. Now thinking of changing mine for a XDA Mini S though...

Maybe - never had to port a number across...
3 do have some great deals on at the moment ill admit but i wouldnt sign up to them as first of all their sim can only be used in their phones and secondly browsing the net is limited only the 3 portal. Too many restrictions for my liking tbh and motorola phones are crap tbh...so user unfriendly that its not funny :/
The A1000 is very old now and wasn't even that good when it came out (2years ago now), was prone to breaking and being very slow. Thaere is little poinnt in having a PDA type phone on 3 as there internet acces is very limeted. If you want that tariff on 3 and are not bothered about not being able to get the internet then go for the Nokia N70, or something simular, but please dont get the A1000.
3's deals are great, 600mins 400txts £26/m free N70 is what i got 6 months ago

their coverage is great for me (in london)
Well i have been with o2 for a long time now, is it worth trying to get a better deal and maybe a cut price on the XDA's?
a PDA will be fine on 3 as the do have full internet access but you have to pay an extra monthly fee for it, there coverage is fine as they have o2 as there backup, if i was you i'd go for the n70 or wait and see if they offer the n80 or n91.
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