30 v 60 v unlimited

14 Dec 2017
When playing games which is the best setting to cap your FPS at. Obviously I know it depends on your hardware but 60 v unlimited? Say for instance playing fifa tonight it was capped at 60 and seemed to run fine, I noticed and changed it to unlimited and it seemed the same, running at about 120ish!

What’s everyone’s opinions?

Take it just just stresses out the GPU the higher it is.
There used to be a thread on here really detailed, explaining everything but can’t find it now. So I take it all the 60fps caps in games were for all the 60Hz monitors then?
I’ll maybe stick it back down to 60 cap I keep thinking the more frames the better the game will look Is this correct? Should make a 120 cap:D
You shouldn't run higher than the refresh rate of your monitor/display.

You can cap at any rate you want with Afterburner.

I’ll have a look into that thanks,

Having a look at some other games I’ve noticed that having my 120Hz a lot of my games will play at 120fps is that because vsync is on? Does vsync cap the FPS to your refresh rate?
I usually have FPS at unlimited and vsync on so will that cap it to 120. Some other games like rise of the tomb raider I have to play on high and vsync and it plays around about 60-70 but often get BSOD! Only game which is weird because I have more demanding games which I play fine! I think There are so many settings to take into account to get “perfect gaming”

Capped at maximum monitor refresh rate. Then use things like GSync/Freesync/etc to eliminate as much tearing as possible. I tend to turn down detail to keep frames well over 60 at all times.

That’s what I’ll do to as I’ve noticed on fifa I get way up to 250fps in games and shadow of war goes quiet high to
I do it to stop fast sync if frames go 144+ in easy to run games. I was told though that the input lag is actually worse capping at a frame rate rather than allowing fast sync to kick in. Not sure how true this is.

So also if your playing a very demanding game and have your cap at 144, and your GPU won’t hit that framerate will it effect gaming? Like will it always try push for 144 or will it just play at what it can?
I Use the NVIDIA experience app the optimise all my games and usually don’t change much. Often it under optimises games though I’ve seen myself upping to very high or ultra and still works in fine, esp on games where it tells you your vram usage

Think I’ll put a 100 cap so 20 below, does the afterburner cap override the game caps
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