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3080 Owners - What resolution do you game at?

19 Jan 2006
I'm looking at upgrading my monitor, and in turn will need to upgrade my graphics card to suit.

I'm looking to change to an ultrawide 3440x1440 monitor, and my initial thoughts are that a 3070 should do the job amicably, assuming it is indeed roughly on par with a 2080ti.

Am I right in assuming that the majority of 3080 owners have chosen this card for 4k gaming, or are the majority of you running less than 4k resolution, and upgraded just because it's the latest card?
19 Jan 2006
Cheers guys, I may opt for a 3080 for 3440x1440 based on this - although with my aging eyes I doubt I'll see the difference on anything more than 75fps/hz which the 3070 will probably do :p
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