30d ?

18 Oct 2002
is it worth me upgrading (body only) from a 10d to a 30d?

I'm thinking more megapixels is helpfull.
Less sensor noise is good.
EF-S lens support.
3% spot is a major boon.

Whats tipping the balance is that a cheque for £500 arrived for me in the mail.

Shall I go for it or hold fire?
Go for it! I went from the 20d to the 30d. The LCD screen size is justification alone for me.
Being a 10D owner I wouldn't really think it's worth it. Extra mega-pixels are good if you've got them but i was more then happy with the results of printing at 30"x20".

I dunno, whilst there are lots of little benefits of the 30d, there's no hugely significant feature that'd make it worth while.

I'd be investing in glass or saving for a 5/1d.
I'm far from an expert as I'm a nikon user but i try and keep up with what canon are doing, to me it looks like the D70 to D70s upgrade, yeah it's a good camera but it's a lot of money for the small things. with a 10D good glass wouldn't do you any harm, or any number of other toys (flash? tripod? blah blah...monkey?)
Hi Dubby
The 30D is light years ahead of the 10D in terms of speed and some other features.By speed I mean startup write speeds buffer size Fps AF. The image quality is about the same. The 30D will help you get it right more often due to spot metering and other features etc etc. So yes worth the upgrade if you need those features.
Your old mate tommy
Well I've had a 10D since before the 20D was out. I've been tempted to upgrade to a 20D, then a 30D. Infact just yesterday I was playing with Lostkat's 30D and omg that is a great camera. Bigger screen and its just so fast at taking pictures. Today is the day after and I'm thinking a bit clearer. I'm thinking now of what body do I need as a professional not as an ametuer. If I got the 5D I'd need to sell my 10-20 and get the 17-40L. For now I will stick with my 10D.
If you're going down the more pro route, and don't have the money for a 1DSmk2, then the probable options are:
- If you're mainly shooting static shots, the 5D
- If you're shooting more sporting shots, require a more rugged body and some weather proofing, go with a 1Dmk2n

From what I've read, either of the above would be a significant upgrade, whereas the 30D (whilst a very good pro-sumer camera), would be not enourmously better.
I upgraded from a 10D to 20D. Along with the headline improvements it's also the little differences that add up to make the camera easier to use.
For instance being able to properly take a photo in RAW and separate JPEG file. The 10D embeds the JPEG in with the RAW file so you need software for conversion. ETTL II is also quite an improvement as well.
I guess it depends on what you feel your photography is limited by at this point.

For me, speed alone was a good reason to upgrade - I much prefer the way the 20D powers-on spontaniously and can take 5fps. The 20D allows you more focus zones and it seems quicker and more accurate. The ISO performance is also great.
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