3200mhz Memory Overclock

25 Aug 2008
York, UK

Total noob at memory o/c, so been following some tutorials on how to o/c my Dark Pro 8PACK 3200mhz 16gb kit.

3600mhz kit was out of stock, so I purchased the 3200.
They run great at 3200, CL14
I can o/c them to 3600, CL16 - can’t seem to get CL14 stable......or do I just need to persevere and keep trying?
Boot into windows fine but get errors on testing.

In CPUZ it is showing as 1900mhz DDR - so 3800
Seems strange that Memtest sees it as 3600?

What settings do I need to start tightening, from the safe settings please?
Memory o/c been running fine for several days - passes memtest fine
Just checked benchmarks in AIDA64 and get these results:
Read - 56455 MB/s
Write - 30389MB/s
Copy - 53263 MB/s
Latency - 67.6ns

The 'write' looks very low - or is this ok?

CL 16
RCD 16
RP 16
RAS 32
I started with the values from the DRAM Calc - but fast settings at first were not stable and gave me errors (I did have a major issue at first, causing me to re-install W10 as could not recover no matter what I tried (wasted a full day on it as well)).
A weekend of tweaking and retrying solved it for me = now stable and passing all tests.
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