32GB RAM bundle advice for B550

28 Jul 2003
South Wales
It will be fine most memory work on either intel or Amd

Ryzen Tuned memory with Intel compatability its a gimmick
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Why wouldn't they?
because Micron is a business and sell to the highest bidder. and have Contract they have to fulfill..
if they cherrypicked all the good stuff why would you as a ram producer buy from them you would be buying all the left over crap.

but if you believe they do I'd like to see some evidence to back that statement up.
What you mean to say is Crucial produces good ram. (Because that is a fact)

but you cant go round telling people they they 100% get all the good stuff, so ever other stick of ram out there with a Micron chip is B-Grade crap
statements like that require a little backing up
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