3400 CL14 vs 3600 CL16 results with 3900x

1 Dec 2009
System = 3900x in Gigabyte X370 K7. 16Gig of G.Skill Flare X 3200Mhz Cl14. Gigabyte 1080Ti.

Only memory timings (and Fabric) has been played about with, using DRAM calculator. Used VRMark as a base reference benchmarking.

Firstly manual OC'ed RAM to 3400 'FAST' setting calculation in DRAM calc with Infinity Fabric at 1700Mhz. Had to use 1.4V to be stable in memtest :

VRMark gave a score of 12932, 281 fps

Secondly OC'ed RAM to 3600 'SAFE' setting in DRAM calc with Infinity Fabric at 1800Mhz. Stable with 1.35V as recommended by DRAM calc tool :

VRMark gave a score of 13322, 290 fps

These results look ok?

Don't understand why the 3400, 1700 memory read speed is so much slower.
Also, I guess I should now try tightening the 3600 speed, or maybe even try for 3800Mhz or is that only possible with x570 mobos?
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