350d replacement battery

19 Oct 2003
Right here, right now!
Hi guys....

Been looking to get another battery and have found the following on that auction site..

NB-2LH 1000mAH top spec Canon 350d... its up for 9.99

Is this the correct one??

am not at home so cannee look at the battery in the camera
it says on the site that its a higher capacity so should it should last longer?

I know other peeps here have a higher capacity batts....
Yeah it should be fine,

Only said it incase you are going to use it in like the battery grip at the same time as the standard one, which i wouldn't advise.
MajorPart said:
Yeah it should be fine,

Only said it incase you are going to use it in like the battery grip at the same time as the standard one, which i wouldn't advise.

ah right...
cheers :D

will prolly get me skin to order one of these for me later

adding the battery grip would make the 350d huuuge :D
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Richard T said:
adding the battery grip would make the 350d huuuge :D

Yep it is, but IMHO it feels just right, but unfotunatly it does make you look like a right "pap"
well until thoose in the know see the 350D logo lol.

It lasts for ages with two batteries. And you have the AA battery back up.
well if only for a short amount of time
Richard T said:
adding the battery grip would make the 350d huuuge :D
It doesn't make it huuuge as such, but it makes it a very nice size :D

Gives your little finger somewhere to rest too, makes a world of difference :D
ok, so having a higher capacity battery in the camera wont harm it in any way then?

Its still newish so I dont wanna break it! :o
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