35mm developers

11 Nov 2002
Just wondered if anyone on here has sent away 35mm film to get developed.

Preferably in black and white and possibly blown up.

I heard a lot of photo labs can produce bad images, specially with B&W prints.
Grumbledook said:
Just wondered if anyone on here has sent away 35mm film to get developed.

Preferably in black and white and possibly blown up.

I heard a lot of photo labs can produce bad images, specially with B&W prints.

Developing the film should really be pretty staight forward for any lab. I guess what you are asking about is printing onto paper. There is a massive amount of leeway into what happens here, pehaps a local pro might be willing to help suggest someone...
Colab are pretty good :)

... I assume they still do film anyway. Not used them for a while.

[edit] Yep they do
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I use C41 B&W film which can be developed on a Colour machine, which opens a whole load more places to get em developed!...

I just get em done at Asda, unless its an important set of prints then I go to a camera shop in town!..

But the 7x5's I get from Asda are very good!... Not had a bad one yet!. :)
i use c-41 b+w film quite a lot now that i dont have darkroom use. try a roll of koday 400cn and take it into your local developers, unless theyre completely useless you should get good results.
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