35mm F1.4L or 50mm F1.2L?

3 Oct 2004
Hi all,

Havent been on here for ages, hope you are all good :)

Just toying with the idea of a new prime and would like the opinions of owners of either or both?

Ive got a MK2 and have the 50mm f1.8, just wondered given the choice would you go with the 50L or the 35L?

Having used the nifty for the last few years ive always found myself wanting it to be a bit wider so am currently edging towards the 35. My main style of shooting is travel/landscape/street....

The price is pretty similar for the 2 lenses but its still a fair wedge of cash so would like to make the right decision.

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Oh also,

If i shoot at 35mm i can crop down to 50mm, however, does cropping fully replicate the change in focal length? Im sure an image cropped down from 35mm to 50mm is different from an image shot at true 50mm? Correct me if im wrong

As i said Ksanti im shooting on a MK2 so FF. And no, of course i dont need a forum to tell me which lens to buy i am perfectly capable of making the decision on my own, i just thought i might might ask owners of both lenses their opinion on the subject before buying.
Sorry if im being rude but i thought such places were exactly the place to put such questions out?
Sounds like what i thought anyway, the 35L is getting more votes.

Apologies if my OP sounded dumb to anyone, i would just rather ask folk who use the kit in real world situations for their opinions rather than trawling through endless pixel peeping side by side reviews on various sites.

Thanks for the input guys :)
Thanks guys,

Good point about the 50 1.4 compared to the 1.2 Ray, seems the quality diff does not warrant the price diff......
Yeah i agree, was just wanting some opinions on both the lenses, obviously they have different uses but are of a fairly close focal length, like i said, having used the 50mm 1.8 for about 5 years ive always found myself wanting it to be a wee bit wider, even on FF.

So i guess i had already answered my own question. Good to have the opinion of you guys however :)
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