35mm or 50mm prime?

24 Aug 2009
Hi guys,

I want to get another new lens next month, and was wondering what would be the best for portraits, and out and about in day/night time.

I'll be using it on my d3100, I'm leaning towards the 35mm as I read up somewhere it's theoretically a 50mm when on the camera due to the sensor?

Thanks guys!
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Thanks guys!

I cant me seeing a full frame sensor anything time soon.

So the 35mm would be better portraits (shoulders and head with bokeh), new borns etc? And also about at night?
Thanks for all the helpful information guys!

I've had a go at 33mm & 55mm on the kit lens, and I think the results are far better at 35mm.

Hopefully Jessops will have a sale on at the local store, so hopefully I can get it a bit cheaper!

Thanks for help again guys!

Happy shooting! ;)
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