360 Default Storage Device?

11 Jul 2004
Is there anyway to stop the 360 constantly asking where i want to save my games? I used to have a memory card but bought a HDD recently...and it keeps asking where i want to save stuff. I've removed the memory card and only use the HDD. Help me!
Tried&Tested said:
Is there anyway to stop the 360 constantly asking where i want to save my games? I used to have a memory card but bought a HDD recently...and it keeps asking where i want to save stuff. I've removed the memory card and only use the HDD. Help me!

The only game that asks me all the damn time is FIFA.. annoys the hell out of me.
Dont think you can tbh, it always asks me where i want to save my stuff but i only have the hdd connected...i have a 64mb mem card but at the moment im not using it. But yeh it always asks me where to save it, only place i can save it is on my hd lol:p
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