360 downloads, cancell and get 50%

16 Jul 2005
Has anyone noticed that if you start to download a demo from live then cancel it and click download again it will shoot up to over 50% complete :) ive done this on the last 4 demos ive downloaded,, Ive just done it on test drive and im on 54%, not bad for about 3 mins :)
It's just not calculating the % bar correctly. I mean. I've seen that bug before, and often when i start a big download it starts at 5%!

Just let it download, and don't worry about the % bar. It's complete when it says complete! Stopping after a few minutes and restarting doesnt mean you have downloaded 200 odd meg in a split second despite what the bar says!
Yeah, there is apparently an update to Live in the process which will tidy up the downloads and allow background downloading etc. Most needed.
lol i had somethin similar a few years ago when i was on good old ntl's free 2 hour dial up 56k jobby.

was downloadin a trailer for a film, it was quite a big file, and it reckoned it was downloading at like 100k a sec, it even stopped downloadin when it reached 100% thinking it was done. needless to say that trailer never worked :) lol, thats 1meg speeds!!!
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