360 On Normal CRT?

20 Oct 2002
Is anyone using this? I have been looking into it as i really want a 360 and to see it in pretty much all its glory... But at the mo cant afford a HDTV... So i guess i can just buy a 360 with the VGA Cable and plug it into my 21" CRT (Has 2 monitor inputs i can switch between) and i will get all the high res/def goodness?

Is anyone else using the same setup?
a PC CRT is every bit as good as a HDTV. Well better in fact as it'll have no motion blur, image retention or poor contrast ratios associated with plasmas and TFT's you'll just get a lovely sharp picture :)
I got a vga plugged into my 19" crt monitor and there is a big difference from running it on a standard tv, much sharper gfx i was impressed with the difference.

When you boot up and go into 360 dashboard you are given different resolutions, ones i remember 1024x768 and 1280x1024 i imagine these the most used. Then you can select widescreen or normal option, now the only real thing is on a normal crt when you put it on normal you get borders top and bottom(unless u got a widescreen one) as you would expect.

Then if you put it on widescreen it fills the screen but makes everything look squashed, now personaly it doesn't bother me having a border as there is a big difference in graphical quality over a standard tv, the details you miss out on are there to be seen.

I can see one problem you may have is finding a vga cable they in short supply atm.
The only problem I can see associated with a PC monitor is the small screen size, it's just not the same playing consoles in front of a monitor. :(
I play on a 21" crt and its fine I was looking to get a lcd tv or widescren lcd monitor but this will do in the meantime.
mmj_uk said:
The only problem I can see associated with a PC monitor is the small screen size, it's just not the same playing consoles in front of a monitor. :(

I agree i wouldnt have bought one if i only had access to a monitor, i would have purchased a tv first as to me it would just feel like being on the pc sat infront of a monitor, not the same as lounging in front of the tv
I don't see why people go on about that, i enjoy the games as much as i did in front of my 28" tv, just now i got hd graphics.
I Currently play on a Mitsubishi 22" CRT and it is really nice, On Tuesday though I will be taking delivery of a 26" LG HDTV which I am hoping will be just as nice, if not better.
i think sitting at a computer desk is one reason ive never played for overly long sessions on PC games.

i just couldnt imagine PGR being as fun sat at my desk 19" monitor and 2 speakers as it is slumpted on my sofa with surround sound playing on a 50" HDTV, the atmosphere is just so much greater, but at the same time i dont think id randomly browse the net or chat on msn while listening to music in my living room unless i was at a desk.... just seems to fit thats all.
slumpted on my sofa with surround sound playing on a 50" HDTV, the atmosphere is just so much greater

That's because you have surround sound playing on a 50" HDTV. You hardly represent the average persons perspective.
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