360 power supply unit.

28 Nov 2003
Anyone else had a faulty 360 power supply unit?
Got back from work to find my fridge freezer defrosting and no power to my mains sockets.I quickly reset the main trippy and looked to find the cause.

Everything works except my xbox 360 :mad: :( :eek:
checked the fuse which was ok but i cant see or hear anything from the psu so i guess its borked....anyone else had a similar experience? Are MS good at replacements.

Just my luck the day lost planet demo comes out :(
Ok i rang up MS tech helpline and they are sending me some labels/box to send my faulty psu back via UPS.They will test the psu and if faulty it will be replaced.The guy on the other end said he will immediatly send out a replacement power cord as that could be the problem.
but ive just received 2 emails saying two different parts have been sent ??

Thank you for you recent order for Xbox parts. Your order has been shipped and is on the way. Your shipping information is provided below for your reference:

CarrierName : Royal Mail
CarrierTrackingNbr :**********

lets just hope its a new cord and psu. I must admit they were pretty helpful
OK I,ve receieved two items from MS
1.a power cord (not psu)

What are they playing at?? :confused:
Still waiting for the labels to send my faulty psu back :mad:
Best i get on the blower again
Spoke to them just now and apparently my labels will be with me tomorrow.
They said nothing about the hard drive so i,ll keep quiet about it for the time being. ;)

Why they sent me one i,ll never know :confused:

Just get the feeling these labels wont be here tomorrow :(
LoadsaMoney said:
If they don't turn up, phone them up and just arrange a day for UPS to come out and pick up your faulty PSU, and send you the labels by e-mails, all you would have to do then is find a box. :)

Its a lot easier than them delivering labels, and a box, then you having to phone them yet again to arrange a pickup.

They have sent me the labels by email but i specifically said plz send by post as i have no printer to print the labels out .twice i told them this :mad:
its as if they are not listening to me ...(obviously if they send me a hard drive :confused: )

i,m hoping i may get to keep the hdd after this debacle ...but most of all i just want my 360 up and running again .

In the end of the day if they can afford to send me a hard drive they can surely afford to send me a psu.
At last i have the labels :D now i have to wait until monday pm for pickup :(

Cheers for the info on the psu mod Punky i may try it one day :)
TO CUT A LONG STORY VERY SHORT :mad: :mad: :mad:

MS sent me a hard drive(dunno why) instead of a power supply but they are insisting they sent me the power supply

my xbox 360 is now useless as they wont replace my psu :mad:

These muppets do not listen :mad:

Also i dont understand why they sent me the so called psu (which is a hdd)
before i even sent them the faulty psu back !!!

I have purchased another core 360 now as i,m p**sed of with being messed about

I will be keeping the hard drive they sent me but if anyone here wants a straight swap for a uk power supply feel free to let me know.

(if thats ok with the mods)
orderoftheflame said:
And your complaining :eek:

have you any idea how hard it is to get hold of a hard drive at the moment.....

you could shove that on ebay for a hell of a lot more than it's worth..... or keep it as a spare.

Nowhere near as hard as it is to get a psu.

You cant buy a psu in any shop and MS wont sell me one either. :(
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