360 red lights

7 Nov 2004
On another planet
i just got went to boot my 360 just over 2 days old and i got three lights showing up witch suggests hardware failure.i have the 360 flat and the 3 lights was top,left,bottom and turned off and turned back on again and seems to work fine now.Is this common for 360s to do this?
this was black screen on boot i got no error screen,a lot of people are telling me to take it back to shop and get it swapped as it will prob DIE :( Gutted
well i think i will take mine back to store and ask for a swap if they have them in stock.i bought the xbox with a game so i wounder if they will give me cash back for the game and console if they have no consoles left as there is no point me sitting with game?.
well i took it back to store today got money back for console and game (witch i nearly finished anyway :P)they said they prob not get any instock for a few weeks.I am just going to wait a maybe a couple of months befor rushing out and getting another one.I was told by the guy in the shop that in march there is a limited edition halo 3 console.I dont know if this is true or not anyone else heard anything about this?
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