360 & Sky+HD audio into 1 amp

7 Nov 2005
Southampton, UK

I've already got my 360 into my amp via the single optical in, but I want to get Sky+HD (as they have a good offer on at the moment) which I would want to use optical out on as well.

Anyone point me in the direction of the bit of kit I would need to make this happen?

Ideally an infrared switch box so I can get it to change via my all in one programmable remote :)
I'm not sure a splitter is what I want.
I want to do 2 devices (xbox & skyHD) into 1 port (joiner) rather than 1 port to 2 devices (2 recording decks for example) (splitter)
Or can the splitter be used the other way round? (Even though there is an answer by the retailer to say it doesn't work that way...)
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