3600 overclocking problems lack of stability

16 Jun 2019
Leek staffordshire
I have just tried to overclock my 3600 and using ryzen master for the first time (on a x570 aorus pro with 480A of cpu power!). in ryzen master I can do a stress test and it seems ok at 4.225 at 1.31 to 1.32 volts. I have been locking all cores together and only adjusting the multipler and vcore.

however outside of ryzen master if I stress test with prime95 I get crashing and BSOD or the system crashes when booting.

I then have tried manually adjusting the multiplier to 42 and the vcore as high as 1.43v in the bios but still get stability issues.

Note that at stock when using cupid hardware monitor I see the automatic max boost going to 4.175 with a max vcore of 1.475v although this drops down to a vcore of about 1.31v during stress testing where all 12 threads are at 100% (and cpu temp is about 68ºC).

to me it seems as if momentarily my cpu needs much voltage and that's ok when left on automatic.

any ideas to help me get it stable when overclocking?
I just had a look at my wifes 3600 (with a gigabyte B450 ITX) and at stock using cupid hardware monitor is was hitting a max of 4.122 at 1.45v

Anyway am I missing something above as if you overclock either manually or in ryzen master and set the vcore to say 1.35 static (or dynamic an offset of +0.15 to 1.20v) then surely it should not need to get to 1.45v?

is it something to do with the PBO? do I need to disable it?
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