3600MHz Ram with a Asus X570 F

17 Jul 2008
Hi there, i'm trying to get my RAM to run at 3600 (currently at 2400)



I've tried with the DOCP setting in Bios and it stops the PC booting, have to clear the CMOS and return to defaults. I've also tried the safe settings with the Ryzen Mem calc, i get the same experiance.

Chip - 3800X
BIOS version: 1405 x 64
Chipset: 19.11.3
Windows 10

everything else is default in the bios.

Not sure what to try next, i have read on a historic forum post that it may be as the CPUs/MB series is new i'll just have to be patient and wait for bios' to mature a bit...is this the case? (post was back from July i think)
I'm using the same motherboard, but the 3200MHz kit, which I'm running at 3600MHz and 3600's timmings (16-16-16-36).
Was using a previous BIOS before, not the beta ones, and updated today, running fine so far.
Must be some issue with either the motherboard or more likely the RAM.
There is a trick you can try. This was a bug, which is no more but you might as well try it considering you are at a loss.

Set the DOCP as normal, but then change the frequency of the ram down to something like 2400MHz. Save and let it post.

Back in to the BIOS and up the frequency to say 2800MHz. Save, reboot and let it post.

Back in to the BIOS and essentially continue upping the frequency a little, saving and rebooting until you reach the desired 3600MHz.

This was a bug in some BIOSes which has since been fixed, but it's worth a shot.
I have the same motherboard but currently running a 2200G until i get my hands on a 3950X.

I had 16GB GSkill Trident Neo CL16 running 2133mhz out of the box but its 3600mhz. I OC it to 3200mhz no problem, wouldn't boot at 3600mhz.

Added another 16gb so now have 32GB (4 sticks of 8), set the RAM speed to 3200mhz and in the bios thats the targeted RAM speed but actual is still 2133mhz. Set it to anything higher and the PC doesn't boot.

Tried Ryzen RAM calculator but maybe need to try this again.
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