3930 oc help

3 Mar 2016
Hi just got the 8pack 3930 from you rated to 4.6
other than standard below settings I cant post as I'm a newbee oc er

sabretooth x79 latest bios
3930 "102" factory voltage not adjusted at all
32gb ddr3 2400 currently running at 2273 I think 1.65v
revo3 x2 480
295 x2 8gb
corsair h80i gt

I would be happy to just get the cpu on very basic settings to around 4ghz
if you could just advise me some basic adjustment that would be great thanks
not looking for a huge oc

Mart :)
Try running 40 multi and 1.35 Vcore on that CPU.

To be honest your cooler is not really strong enough for a high OC on this CPU. U need at least 240mm AIO for that.
Hi tried them settings its stable at 43 degrees, so the H80i GT isn't good enough? though it would be only got it last week lol, thanks you your reply tho!! :)
Mart your memory is running at pretty high frequency, i would try running that slower, say even 1600mhz and try to get the core overclock stable. then you can play at overclocking your memory to run that much memory that high you'll probably need quite high VCCSA and VTT and you need to be a bit careful with those as too much and they can degrade your chip.

1.2volts max for both of those (1.15 for now) (and you'll probably need a better cooler for that).

Overclocking isn't hard, but you need to take baby steps and read a lot before you do stuff. check out 8packs x79 overclocking guide, and there is a good one on overclock.net just google x79 overclocking guide and you'll find it.

I was running my core at 4.6 and it took 1.42volts to keep it stable btw. i've backed off a bit but even with a custom loop i still see temps of 64 degrees gaming...
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