3D issue with new TV.

8 Jan 2012
Hi all.

I bought a Panasonic Viera TX-50CX700B about 2 weeks ago and the 3D is atrocious.

I do have compatible Active shutter glasses and have replaced the battery on many occasions.

Now I don't know if the TV I have is at fault, the model is at fault or I am at fault for not setting something up correctly.

I have tried 3 films:

Star Trek into darkness

The Hobbit Battle of five armies

Journey to the center of the earth 3D

Star Trek was the first one I tried and I was impressed. There wasn't any pop outs but the best bit was when Spock was in the Volcano and the fire sparks were floating around my room.

Star Trek though has never to my knowledge made into any top 20 list of best 3D Blu-Rays but the next 2 usually do and these are awful.

The Hobbit: The opening attack on Laketown by Smaug is supposed to be amazing yet on my TV it's awful. I have a bit of depth but nothing else. I can see from the action what's supposed to be popping out but it really looks like it hits a TV screen.

And as for Journey to the center of the earth 3D, That film is filled with pop outs. Watch the 2D version and you can tell it was originally filmed for 3D but honestly the 3D version on DvD I have with the red/blue glasses has a better 3D effect than the Blu-Ray on the Panasonic.

So I have a few questions if you have stuck with me this far?

Is my TV broken, have I set it up wrong or does the TX-50CX700B just have really bad 3D?

I have just under 2 weeks to exchange it if it is broken or rubbish and I'm looking at one of these:

LG 49UF850V

Samsung 48JU7000

Sony 55X8509CBU

I would prefer to stay around the 48-50" size but 55" will do if the Sony is that much better.

First and foremost though 3D is of the highest importance. I know many of you frown upon it but my family and the kids love it so I am willing to sacrifice other things to get the best 3D, Active or Passive I can.

It should be noted the TV will be in a well lit room, not glaring bright and will never be viewed in darkness.

Thank you.

I haven't no and I didn't mention that sorry.

I have used two Blu-Ray players. I have the TV connected to my PC via the HDMI 2.0 ARC port and have used my PC Blu-Ray player with power DVD 15. I have also used a PS3 connected to a different HDMI port and the 3D effect is exactly the same from both.
Iirc you don't want to use a PC.

You also have options on my tv to reverse 3D, etc. It could be possible you have the wrong box ticked on your tv. or you need to fiddle with the settings to suit the type of 3D being used.

iirc there are 2 types of 3d. one which splits the screen in two and switches between them and the other is interlaced.

iirc one has a higher refresh rate and the other a higher resolution. so you could have it set up correctly for one type of 3d but wrong for the other. i think the company chooses which version it uses so you won't really know which one it is unless you look at the signal info from your tv. basically i think the star trek is using 1 type and the other blu rays the other which is incorrectly set up.

i don't think it's a player issue. it's a setting issue on your tv. you need to go into the 3d sub menu and have a play about in there.
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Have you setup your bluray player to the correct screensize?

Thank you, set PS3 to 50"

On the PS3 go to setting and display settings and run the setup again and see if it improves anything.

Thank you, I went through all relevant settings and adjusted accordingly.

i don't think it's a player issue. it's a setting issue on your tv. you need to go into the 3d sub menu and have a play about in there.

My TV has 4 menu options in 3D settings: 3D Mode, 2D->3D Depth, 3D Adjustment and L/R Picture Swap. All 4 of these are greyed out and unselectable when not in 3D (3D movie loaded in the PS3 or resolution changed on PC) when in 3D only 3D Adjustment and L/R Picture Swap are selectable.

The only time I have seen 3D mode become selectable was when something went wrong with the PS3 not detecting the TV as 3D and I had to go back into display settings to reset it. 3D mode did, from my brief glimpse have the side by side and other 3D modes.

Now after playing with the settings, the result?

Journey to the center of the earth 3D I think was a bit better, I may have imagined it as it was slight but I think it was a bit better.

The Hobbit, no change at all.

I then tried it via the PC with Power DVD 15 both films played with the same level of 3D and Auto select is selected in 3D source format and the other 3 options are greyed out and unselectable.

I did try for the sake of it changing left and right eye view first in power dvd and it did seem to change something. It made the background much much worse but the foreground was a bit better but also a bit blurrier.

So I'm thinking the TV is either broken or just not very good when it comes to 3D

Thanks everyone for your help it is greatly appreciated and helped me understand a few things I didn't before hand.


I forgot to mention.

About 4 days after buying the TV I contacted Panasonic with this issue and after giving the model number was taken through all the relevant steps. first was press the 3D button on your remote, the problem with that is there isn't one. The guy on the phone swore blind there was one and guarenteed me that was the problem, I hadn't pressed the button to activate 3D. I told him that I am looking at the remote and not at a PC screen and there is no 3D button. In the end he still didn't believe me and gave me an email address to send him a photo of the remote which of course doesn't have a 3D button. He phoned me back, apologised and said try looking in the menu, which it is in and activate 3D from there and then we come to the greyed out issue mentioned above. After that though he blamed it on everything else, PC's are not compatible, the 3D glasses I bought are not compatible even though they 100% definitely are.
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Samsung SSG-5100GB.

These were recommended by several AV forum users with the same TV and by the shop that sold the TV.

I didn't buy it from them but they sell them to go with all their active TV's.
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