3D Modelling Resources

19 Dec 2006
Prompted by Diddums post earlier I thought it might be beneficial if we could get a thread of 3d modelling resources running.

It's been many many years since I did much of it, last computer I used for 3d modelling was my Amiga and Cinema 4D so I am very out of touch and with me having added a 3d printer at home I really would like to spend some effort in updating my skills.

Currently I've just been messing around in Fusion 360 and attempting to work out the functionality I know should exist and have done a reasonable job, but this evening I had a quick look on youtube and found the following set of tutorials, have done the first two successfully without too much issue though there are a few minor differences to what is shown in the video they seem pretty good to me and have already improved my understanding of the program a fair bit.

Fusion 360 for personal use: https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/personal

Learn Autodesk Fusion 360 in 30 days youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrZ2zKOtC_-C4rWfapgngoe9o2-ng8ZBr

If anybody has better suggestions or alternatives please leave them here for myself and others to find, hopefully this is a good plan? :)
Up to day 8 on the tutorials, the doorstop which fails, there is an embossing step at the end that refuses to work, not overly impressed with the tutorials to be completely honest, he assumes far too much and skips over small but important steps that you will entirely miss if you do not watch the mouse cursor like a hawk, further aggravated by his insistence on using keyboard shortcuts which do not show on the video. There are also a fair few differences between the version of Fusion 360 I have and what he has which only adds to the issues. Up until this point I've managed to work around them but it is obvious that it is becoming a major problem in trying to follow the tutorials.
Sorry to hear anyoe is having issue with the tutorials suggested. It mayh ave helped that I was learning Fusion in 2020 so the videos I used were more recent, though I don't recall anything being overlooked to the degree mentioned here.
There's a few issues going on with the tutorial videos, first is that Fusion 360 is a live product that gets updated and even the updated videos for 2023 are now out of date for certain aspects, there are usually comments that point it out and how to solve it but when you're trying to follow a video it's not always the first thing you think of, secondly the guy making the videos has obviously condensed them down to be as short as possible and this results in him using shortcuts mentioned once maybe in a previous video, unless you have a brain that is able to retain that sort of information immediately it simply looks like the program has responded to his speech lol, it's not exactly a failing but considering who the tutorials are aimed at it would be far better in my opinion if he repeated the shortcut and added a small amount of time to the video instead of simply assuming people would remember it from a previous video that they completed an unspecified amount of time in the past.

Don't let me come across as having a go at him, they're free content and massively appreciated but my frustration is showing, that is my issue and certainly not his.
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