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3dmark scores ok? (please check)

05 is far to low. Should be more like 11k with that cpu. Check you havn't got AA or AF on, Also Vsync is a big killer in the score department.

For a rought comparison my old 4000+ / 7800GTX SLI setup scored 11.4k stock in 05.
hmmm, i didnt turn anything on, it was at default 05 settings and hadnt touched anything in nvidia control panel

anyone else think its low?
To low on 05, 06 isnt to bad, look at my sig this is with clocks on my 7800 at 450, 1.25

05= 10941
06= 5856
I turned off the cpu tests in 05...does that matter?

iv got the latest 84 ones, but when I was installing them my monitor lost signal in the middle of it...short it had messed up (as it had already blue screened earlier) but on restart SLI seemed to be fine, i used to be running 81.98 with single card...might go back to them and see if that works

also marv, as u have an almost identical spec to me...

when you plugged your monitor into your cards which one did u plug it into? coz i have a guide which is contradictingthe mobo manual, one says blue slot (top) other sayd black slot (bottom)....its in the blue one (top) atm
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Blue slot is right, read a bit back on another forum that some people were experiencing low scores on one dvi output and went to the other one on their card and it went up. my one is in the dvi closest to the mobo u can try that.
I am using latest official beta 91.31 with no probs but I have been getting around these scores with the 80 series as well.

These are my settings when I benchmark

IQ at quality
AF off
AA off
multi samping and triple buffering should be off as well

Get back to us m8
hmm, ok

I have the dvi in the one closest to mobo on blue slot atm so i'll try swapping it over

i've just got rid of the 84 and gone back to 81.98 to see if that makes any difference, i'll check my quality settings etc but i think theyr identical to yours

il post again in a sec once iv tried other drivers

cheers so far
this happened the 1st time i tried installing drivers, when the install finishes the view goes black for a second then comes back and everything is kind of duplicated about 1cm next to everything else...sort of like my gfx cards are drunk...what could cause this?
ok it didnt blue screen on booting into windows like it did last time i had a double image, running 05 on 81.98 now...

would the fact that I have one card 490/1300 and the other 475/1250 make any difference (475 one is off the MM)
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Havnt had that before, my monitor goes blank during install of driver and everythings fine after. What happens after u restart when u have installed driver does everything look ok and driver installed properly?

I take it u have latest nforce 6.70 installed? just an idea.

Have u also looked through the asus mobo forum got some good stuff on there. My mobo is different to your one but it shouldnt have an effect on scores I have latest bios on mine and I also have latest bios on my cards. Might be worth having a look at your makes website to see if there is an upto date bios but this would deffo be last measure.

How is it when gaming is everything ok at the end of the day if your gaming is alright dont worry about benching. I only do it once after install of new driver and thats it.
gaming was fine, but then again gaming was fine with one 7800gtx...

feels a little bit slow at 1680x1050 4aa max everything standing in the middle of a grassy field fighting on oblivion....but other than that...

havent tried bf2 yet, will in a min

well the 1st time i installed the 84s it did the double image thing, then on reboot it blue screened on entering windows twice, then i uninstalled em again in safe mode (and driver cleaner) and put them back on...in the middle of the install my monitor lost signal, but on hitting the reset button it went into windows fine...

just finished 05, im on 9932 now....

so that means its gone...

im gona try swapping the dvi cable over
think i just wana beat 10k then il be happy, lol
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on looking at the options in performance then advanced settings i see something called....
SLI Rendering mode..

it is set to SLI single-GPU rendering

should it be set to SLI multi-GPU rendering?

also, i know cpu bench mark affects 06 score but do i need to run it in 05? coz its annoying me, lol
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just to give you a a comparsion.i get 11980 with to 7800gt bearing in mind this is the freeversion of 3d mark o5 but the gt are not overclocked and are running at stock setting but you 3d mark 06 score looks to be fine
hmm that is annoying :'(

also, swapping the dvi cable didnt make any difference, got 9929

could the fact i bought one about a year ago, and the other one is second hand and its about 6 months ago old make any difference? different bios' clashing or sumin?

how do u see the clocks the 2nd card is running at? coz if i put coolbits on and go 2 clock frequency etc it says 490/1300 but the other card is 475/1200...am i able to view the other clocks some how to make sure theyr right?
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Shouldnt make a difference having different bioses on yr card as the drivers now let u do different brands and bioses.
Set it to multi gpu, is your cpu at 2.2 or have u clocked it? Bear in mind I have clocked mine upto 4000+ speed now.

My gaming with Oblivion at 1680x1050 is a bit jerky in some places and this was with me spending more time tweaking it than playing it. Oblivion is next gen and I think we will see its true colours when the next geforce series of cards come out.

Nice score Smiley still shows that the cards are Cpu bound and they love to go with faster processor.
multi gpu render makes no difference

cpu is at 2.2, never clocked it

i dont mind the score and my 06 one seems to be ok, just annoying that someone with two 7800gt can get almost 2000 more points than me....that cant surely be his cpu overclock alone?

i duno what else to try to improve my score....any way of me checking the clocks on my 2nd hand card without taking out the other one and running that one in single mode just to look a it?
You would have to do your cards single if u want to check the clocks. It is surprising how much difference u can get from having a faster processor these cards love to get paired up with a faster one.
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