3GS signal problem

9 Jun 2009
I don't know if anyone else has come across this problem, or has any solution for it (I have done a quick google search and reset the network settings). I am currently in Norway have a 32G White 3GS which was connected fine to a Norwegian carrier, however yesterday it lost the signal. I just went into settings and changed to another carrier and all was fine. Now today I have had no signal all day, and can't seem to make it connect to any carriers at all. It's back to automatic, and shows three carriers below that in the settings which it can connect too, however once I tap one of the carriers I get the Network lost message.

Anyone have any ideas?
It might have developed a fault. My 3G did this and I had to return it to an Apple Store, where they replaced it on the spot.
I've tried the reset network settings, didn't make a difference, and won't be able to make it to an apple store for 2+ weeks.... typical for it to break on a holiday! Although having read some of the tweets off of #o2fail it looks like the roaming service is down, so most people abroad can't get roaming signal. Took BBC F1 presenters to tweet about it for it to be publicly acknowledged...
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