3GS... that didn't last long.

24 Jun 2007
Well, it took only just shy of a month for me to do what I knew I'd do... drop my iPhone. I now have a slightly broader than hair width crack through the screen. Whilst it's not too bad, it's damn annoying, and it only happened five minutes ago :p

It manages to catch the light and so is noticeable at all angles.

So my question is - is it silly of me to think I'd be able to get new glass fitted for a reasonable price? And has anybody any idea how much would we be talking?

I should have followed Feek's advice and ordered the caddy :( :(
Thanks for the posts guys - I can't decide whether it's scratches or cracks. All I know is that it's crap to look at :(

Would it be as simple as walking into an Apple store and asking them to repair it?
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