4 fans and only 2 motherboard headers.

17 Jan 2019

I have 4 fans in my PC but the motherboard only has 2 fan headers, one for the CPU fan and one for the case fan. I purchased a splitter and have connected the cpu fan, and 2 extra fans to the splitter.

However, now all 3 fans run at full speed (quite loud) and the white LED's in the 2 fans aren't on.

Any ideas why this is and what I can do to fix it?

The mobo is MSI B450M PRO-M2 and the 2 LED fans are three pin.
If you want to be sure you won't damage your mohterboard fan header use the Sata power lead to PSU. While some fan headers can power more than 1 amp of total load many are rated 1 amp, and 4x fans rated 0.1 amp each will easily pull 0.3-0.5 amp and some up to 0.6-0.8 amp each when starting up .. so if they pull 0.3 each that is 1.2 amp total so header can handle it .. but if 4 fans are pulling 0.6 amp startup it is 2.4 amp load and that could easily damage fan header.
Yeah, I have free SATA power connectors on my PSU anyway so no need to skip them.


Used one of these when fan headers are thin on the ground, works a treat with mobo control or speedfan/argus :)
I have bought and installed this however speedfan is not showing any fans except the GPU. Any ideas why this could be? The fans are powered and spinning but again not LED lit and running at 100%.
You should have one fan on the Phanteks hub sending it's rpm signal to motherboard header it is plugged into. On my hub it's the white socket. Manual explains it all.
You can switch settings on and off to display and/or edit fan speeds. Go through all of the config several times with a fine toothed comb... It's not always obvious what setting changes what
Still no luck. I have followed the manual. I have the 4 pin connector and the sata connector. Checked bios and ensured CPW header set to PWM. CPU fan is plugged into Fan 1 and the BIOS is showing the fan speed now for the CPU, but nothing showing on speedfan even when I go into configuration and advanced mode.
For a test, just unplug the sata cable and run it from the cpu header. You may be unlucky and speedfan doesnt recognise the ITE chip on your mobo so cant see the fans, ive had this happen. You could download Argus monitor and see if that see's the fans.

Also do you have a bios setting for your fans like silent/normal/manual etc?
I'll give that a go and let you know. The only settings showing in the bios is smartfan and then the options to set at what temps the fans increase speed.
Downloaded Argus monitor and the CPU fan shows up so looks to be an issue with Speedfan. No LED's still but not the end of the world, I will get some separate RGB strips instead. Cheers for your help guys!
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