4 x 512 stick of memory

21 Nov 2005
If i got 4 slots in my mb and I have 4 sticks of ram all the same brand all 512, would this be ok? I assume it wouldnt run in dual channel mode?
Are there any speed implications to running 4 sticks, I dont really overclock too much so am not pushing things....
Yuo can use all 4 sticks no problem. If there all the same it will run in dual channel mode, the only limitation is you have to run it at 2T.
what exactly is 2T and why is it a disadvantage?

i am also thinking of going to 4x512mb XMS3200C2PT
TBH i did have 4 sticks before i got the geil i have now. I cant tell any difference, even in benchmarks it wasnt noticable.
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