400d kit lens replacement

16 Jul 2006
I think im going to go for a canon 400d camera, one thing im not sure about is the kit lens, It didnt feel particulary nice when ive tried it in a shop and ive read some reviews saying its not a particulary nice lens.

This will be my first step with a DSLR so wondering if anybody could recommend a 18-55mm Lens or similar that would be better than the kit one, but I really dont have much money to play with, would a better one <£100 be possible?
xolotl said:
Seeing as its your first DSLR, learn how to use it before buying new lenses. Most of the skill in taking pictures is down the the photographer, not how much fluorite is in front of the sensor. That just helps.

Ive had a Minolta 7hi for over 3 years so know a fair bit about general photography, this is my first step with a DSLR though.

I've been offered for free the kit lens from somebody who brought a canon 20d. Would this be the same EFS 18-55mm that comes with the 400d? It means I can buy the camera body and put the money saved into an extra battery or something
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