4133Mhz C18 B Die kit

21 Jun 2018
Hello people, I just have a quick question about B Die binning. I have an 8Pack 3600Mhz C16 kit which is 92% quality at the moment. If I get the 4133Mhz C18, would that be a higher bin, or give more chances of 3800Mhz C14 on Zen 2?

Recently tried the 4400Mhz kit from Patriot and even though it was a "94%" quality kit, it was not able to run the recommended settings by the calculator, or even 3733Mhz at C16.
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They are higher bin yes.
But memory overclocking is also effected by your CPU and motherboard also.
I got a 3800X atm, it can run 3800Mhz and 1900FCLK easy. I was just thinking of getting a higher bin kit since that Patriot kit ended up being worse than my kit in every test I ran.
At the moment I am running 3733Mhz C16 with very tight sub timings at 1.45v. I get 63.8ns on Aida. If I run the same settings at 3800Mhz I can get around 62.7ns at 1.48v but decided to keep it at 3733Mhz due to the voltage (I read in a million places that B Die is fan until 1.5v but I don't to test my luck).

I don't know if to change the kit for the one mentioned on my 1st post or stick to this kit. The Viper kit is very cheap, but on my experience the 8Pack kit was much better.
cl16/3600*1000 = 4.44ns
cl16/4133*1000= 3.87ns - but you'll be running at 2:1. in theory effects more with 12/16 core ryzen

if @Buffalo2102 is able to hit CL14 then 14/3800*1000 = 3.68ns

getting it at 3733hz with CL14 (3.75ns) and 1:1 or cl10/3200*1000= 3.12ns are the sweet points
I wasn't planning on running it at 4133Mhz, I was hoping to run 3800Mhz below C16 since my current kit can do it without a problem.

By the way on that reply you did C16/4133 but the kit is C18 (I get your point though).
Ive got the 8-pack Team Group Xtreem 4133 kit with 3800X and Aorus Elite.

I've been able to run 3800MHz CL16 and 1900FCLK easily with every BIOS version. Just plug in the Ryzen calculator timings and away you go.

I haven't tried to push it to CL14 but may try shortly.
Let me know how it goes since that is the only reason I would be willing to buy it :)
We used to sell Patriot in the past and it was an issue back then, heatsinks are a bit naff but they are cheap and cheerful.
The Viper set "seems" solid, but then there are many cases where the heat sink just falls off. Isnt that supposed to be sealed or something?
heatsink is generally two parts held with sticky pads, Patriot stuff is fine as with all things nothing is perfect.

but that is why the design I used for 8 Pack kits the heatspreaders are in a different league quality wise and actually screwed together. :)
So you are the man behind them? Haha They are nice I must admit. Now that we are on the topic, the head spreader of the 8Pack Edition kit and the Xtreem are very different. Is the Xtreem an improved version?
The regular 8 Pack kit is a dark pro heatspreader which I helped with design off.

The Xtreem stuff is a heatspreader design by Kevin Wu which I requested to use for our own stuff the actual IC is same across both though we only use my design across the lower speeds 3866 and below.
Cool, thanks for the info :)
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